Practicing leadership is about accepting and inspiring others to be able to do their best work.

Welcome! Hi, Iā€™m Parul, the person behind the Practicing Leader videos and podcast.Ā 
As a coach and mentor, I have helped professionals be better leaders, managers, and coaches.

Leveraging my 20+ years of experience in startups and at Microsoft, I provide structured learning & development opportunities coupled with transformative coaching to work alongside individuals to help them achieve their goals.

My approach is to accept others where they are today.

This is done through 1) fostering a positive work environment, 2) emphasizing the emotional well-being of individuals, 3) creating a culture of support and growth, and 4) showing empathy and understanding towards teams and their members.

Leading by Example: Shaping a Respectful Environment

Feb 21, 2024

Break the Burnout Cycle

Feb 06, 2024

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