Giving and receiving feedback like a pro

coaching management Dec 30, 2022

Feedback is a way of sharing information about the quality of service or experience. Feedback can be given in many different ways, but the most common methods are verbal and written.

Feedback is important because it helps us to understand what other people think of something. It can also help us to improve our work and make sure we are meeting the needs of others.

Feedback is a vital part of the modern office environment. It is now considered to be an integral part of any workplace culture and necessary for the development of employees.

In the past, feedback was used as a way to give constructive criticism or point out mistakes in work. This can result in difficult conversations that can occur in the workplace. This places the onus on the listener to consider the message independent of the delivery or the person delivering it.

We are trying to normalize its use as a way to provide encouragement and praise for employees who are doing well as well.

There are many ways that people can receive feedback, such as through formal reviews, informal conversations with colleagues and managers, or by receiving constructive criticism from peers.

Constructive criticism is a way to provide feedback that is both helpful and effective. It’s not easy to give criticism, but there are many ways to make it easier.

Some people find it easier to give constructive criticism if they are given the opportunity to do so in private, away from other people. They may feel more comfortable giving feedback if they know that they will not be judged or embarrassed by others.

Others prefer face-to-face feedback because nothing can replace the immediacy of a conversation. Face-to-face conversations allow for a better understanding of each other’s feelings and emotions, which can be difficult with written feedback or email exchanges.

The best way for someone to give constructive criticism is whatever way that person feels most comfortable with and whatever way makes them feel safe enough to do so.

A common model for delivering feedback can be described as:

  • Permission - asking for permission of someone acknowledges that not every person is ready to receive the feedback which you may be ready to give. Asking their permissions confirms their receptiveness
  • Behavior - focus on behavior which is specifically described. This is not a person's attitude or their personality. This is something you have observed.
  • Impact - describe the impact of the behavior in objective terms. As an example, when you raised your voice over that of the customer resulted in the customer deciding to go elsewhere.
  • Closure - request something about the behavior. This can be asking them what they could do differently next time or it could be asking them to repeat a behavior in the case of something they did well.

It is important to provide feedback for your coworkers. The best way to do this is to be specific and offer constructive criticism. This can help the person you are giving feedback to improve their work, which will ultimately benefit the company as a whole.


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